A Thermal Imager
Over the years, in fact decades, I could have
made use of something other than my fingers to gauge the temperature
of suspect elecronic components on circuit boards and, in watching
YouTube videos it has reinforced my view that it's time I invested
in a decent imager. These are not cheap but a few years back
I reckon that what was available was either way too expensive
or just not up to the job. |
Anyway, after searching for something suitable,
I decided to buy a product that turned out to be not quite good
enough. Let me explain... I decided to get a device which uses
a mobile phone screen rather than its own display. The reasoning
being that the cost of the display and its housing would surely
detract from the quality of the infra-red sensor and its electronics.
I picked the Mileseey TR256i which plugs into an Android phone.
It uses a thermal sensor with a definition of 256 x 192 points
and a scan rate of 25Hz. My cheapest option was AliExpress at
around £136 including VAT with zero? duty. From Amazon
the price is £199.99 (October 2024).
I duly paid a Chinese supplier and waited... and waited...
and waited until giving up. The package had tracked into the
UK but vanished after leaving Customs for Parcel Force. Something
on the packaging had clearly attracted a thief so after the requisite
40 days I was reimbursed.
But in the meantime I'd investigated other products. |
I spotted the Infiray P2 Pro which offered a
similar spec to the TR256i but was a lot more expensive. AliExpress
had various suppliers averaging about £220 plus VAT (=
£264) and Amazon circa £329. There was a drawback
however... would it vanish en-route and/or would Customs add
duty if purchased from China?
Also, to make the P2 Pro much more useful it's supplied
with a macro lens reducing its focal length from a minimum of
circa 400mm to around a few cm. This makes it perfect for close-up
printed circuit board analysis.
There's a big problem. Pricewise it's not always easy
to buy a device without the lens and if you manage to do this
a lens may not be readily available. I decided to wait until
Amazon had a special offer and a few days ago, sure enough, I
found I could buy a P2 Pro for £239 (a saving of £90).
At that price there was no lens but I'd noticed that I could
buy one separately. The device duly arrived but, not only had
the offer been removed, but lenses were no longer available from
Amazon... very odd. |
Here are a couple of pictures of the InfiRay (magnetic)
lens taken from Ebay.
You'll notice they're completely different with the
left example at around £30 and the right £60. Are
both made by InfiRay or is one counterfeit?
Looking at adverts for the complete imager plus lens
some have one example and some the other. I'm inclined to believe
the right one is right and the left one is wrong.
I decided to but the more expensive option and this
is due to arrive in a couple of weeks because there are zero
UK-based suppliers. |
Having received the imager how did it perform?
Bad news... although the software installed on my Motorola E13
phone the picture from the imager was absent... just a blank
black area. I must admit though that I hadn't fully expected
success because of various notes accompanying sales information..
"check for phone compatibility" was one note, and "works
only with Android 10 or later". When I bought my phone I'd
noticed it used the "Go" version of Android and it
was pretty cheap. I now wonder if it was cheap because the slimmed
down version of Android cost much less for Motorola than the
full version? Clearly "Go" wouldn't support the P2
Pro even though it was Version 13.
My only realistic option was to buy a new Android
phone and as luck would have it I spotted, on Gumtree from a
postcode with the same BH23 as me, a Motorola G31. Not secondhand,
but brand new in a sealed box for £60. I drove off to the
seller's address, purchased the new phone, swapped my SIM and
plugged in the P2 Pro, and it worked perfectly. |
Now.. a few tips. The key part of an imager
is its thermal camera chip. Don't just pass a glance at the advertising
material though because it's common for the display size rather
than the imager thermal definition to be quoted to give one a
false impression of the performance. A really good example is
the Flir One Gen 3 pictured on the right.. "High resolution
IR images with 1440 x 1080 visual resolution and 80 x 60 thermal
resolution". The Hikmicro on the left (a handheld type using
a built-in screen) looks good value but it's 240 x 240 spec is
backed up by a 96 x 96 thermal chip.
Once you select the 256 x 192 infra-red chip prices
can go sky high.
I suppose, with a little experimentation, one could
find a suitable "macro" lens and carry out adequate
circuit board analysis for an alternative choice of imager, but
the P2 Pro magnetic lens seems to be an easy way to get this. |
This picture was my first test image. The video
definition is 1440 x 1080 pixels with the 256 x 192 infra-red
One of the reasons I bought an imager was to help
identify a problem with our central heating and in this application
I don't need a macro lens.
Our pipework is unfortunately buried in our concrete
floor making it very difficult to maintain. For example, about
20 years ago, a damp patch appeared on our living room carpet
around the time the central heating overflow pipe began to drip
very hot water on visitors to our back door.
The overflow was caused by air entering a damaged
copper pipe and displacing water which was being returned to
the header tank. This was very hot water and eventually entered
the overflow pipe in the side of the header tank which was routed
to a point above our back door. In fact, previously if one attempted
to bleed air from the system, the reverse happened and I'd corrected
this by reversing the pump. I was then able to bleed the radiators
but alas... water then escaped from the damaged copper pipe embedded
in the concrete floor. Leaking water was emerging from a crack
in the floor rather than directly above the pipe, but by using
my metal detector I was able to pinpoint a right angle bend under
the floor. This proved to be the source of the leak. It seems
that when the pipes were installed back in 1983, the guy had
bent the pipe too much and in lessening the angle acuteness had
weakened the copper at the inside of the bend in the pipe. After
many years of expansion and contraction metal fatigue had cracked
the copper and resulted in the leak.
I repaired the leak by cutting out the bend and using
a brass fitting. |
All was then well... but a few years back various
problems had developed. Currently, a section of the pipework
seems to have got bunged up and the downstairs radiators usually
run only between 20 to 30 degrees Centigrade. After much thought
we installed a filter with a drain tap in place of our small
kitchen radiator. This allows me to draw water from either the
feed or return pipe.
By experimenting I discovered that drawing a couple
of buckets of water from the return pipe drew hot water into
the cool radiators. Essentially, this was because it enables
the pump to better push water through the suspected bunged up
pipes. I guess fitting a more powerful pump would also fix the
problem, but a more powerful pump would need modification of
pipework as pumps having a rating of more than 100 watts are
physically larger and their width exceeds that in the existing
Anyway... the thermal imager should allow me to at
least discover the location of the pipes.
The picture above shows floor heating from a pipe
close to the boiler. This one is easily locatable... as you can
see it's our cat's preferred location. But, is this a single
pipe or both feed and return? Maybe the macro lens (when it arrives
from China) will let me discover this?
Looks promising...
pictures etc to follow |